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High-Demand Citrus Plants Now Available

High-Demand Citrus Plants Now Available

Citrus plants have always been in high demand, but this year their popularity has soared, making them a challenge to source.
Since we know many of you were interested, we're happy to announce that some of the finest Citrus varieties are now back in our inventory (over 30, in fact!) and are offered at competitive price points, including:
  • Citrus Key Limequat 8" 
  • Citrus Lemon Ponderosa 8"
  • Citrus Cocktail Tree 8"
  • Citrus Lime Persian 8"
  • Citrus Lemon Meyer 10" 
  • Citrus Thorny Key Lime 12"
  • Citrus Lemon Meyer 12"
  • Citrus Red Lime 12"
  • Citrus Calamondin Standard 17" 
  • Citrus Standard Grapefruit Ruby Ray 17"
  • Citrus Tangerine Standard Murcott 23"
  • Citrus Standard Orange Valencia 23"
  • Citrus Tangelo Standard Minneola 23"
  • Citrus Standard Kumquat Nagami 23"
  • and many more...
We've attached a few images below for your convenience. To reserve yours, just click here or browse through our full availability:

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