6β ZZ Plant
10β Cordyline Sherbert
10β Aglaonema Bj Freeman
10β Strelitzia Nicolai White Bird of Paradise 3PPP
6β Aglaonema Siam
4β Philodendron Painted Lady
6β Alocasia Odora Variegated
4β Succulents Crassula Jade
10β Sansevieria Laurentii
2β Assorted Premium Foliage
6β Monstera Deliciosa
4β Peperomia Assorted
14β Strelitzia Nicolai White Bird of Paradise 4PPP
3β Carnivorous Venus Fly Trap
6β ZZ Black
4β Monstera Thai Constellation
10β Ficus Audrey Standard
6β Calathea Fusion White
10β Sansevieria Fernwood
10β Hibiscus Assorted Bush
4β Monstera Delicosia
10β Schefflera Amate 3PPP
6β Fern Kimberly Queen
2β Fern Assorted
6β Calathea Stella
14β ZZ Plant
4β Calathea Fusion White
5β Sansevieria Fernwood
2β Cactus Opuntia Assorted
3β Carnivorous Purple Pitcher Plant
3β Carnivorous Assorted
2β Fern Selaginella Moss Assorted
4β Peperomia Hope
4β Fern Maidenhair Fragrans
4β Maranta Red
3β Pilea Baby Tears
4β Ivy White Variegated
3β Cactus Assorted
4β Fern Button
10β Ficus Lyrata Little Sunshine Standard
3β Ivy Gold Child
2β Carnivorous Venus Fly Trap
14β Ficus Moclame Standard
4β Fittonia Pink
4β Ivy Gold Child
6β Epipremnum Global Green
3β Bromeliad Tillandsia Small Bare Root
4β Kalanchoe Assorted
0β Bromeliad Hanging Tillandsia Charms
2β Bromeliad Tillandsia Mini Pot Display
3β Carnivorous Nepenthes St. Gaya
4β Fern Autumn
4β Fern Pteris Silver Lace
4β Fern Selaginella Golden
4β Fern Staghorn Netherlands
12β Ficus Amstel King Standard
0β Lucky Bamboo 5- Stem Bundle
4β Orchid Jewel
14β Palm Rhapis Excelsa (Lady Palm)
2β Philodendron Florida Ghost Mint
0β Succulents Ceramic Dog & Cat
3β Succulents Tiger Jaw
0β Tillandsia Fuchsii
0β Tillandsia Tectorum
5β ZZ Black
4β Palm Neanthe Bella
6β Philodendron Brasil
10β Oleander Pink Standard
10β Mandevilla Assorted Trellis
10β Monstera Deliciosa
10β Fern Boston HB
6β Philodendron Swiss Cheese
6β Sansevieria Laurentii 2PPP
10β Sansevieria Zeylanica
10β Mandevilla Red Trellis
8β Philodendron Brasil HB
6β Fruit Arbequina Olive Tree
6β Stromanthe Triostar
4β Hoya Assorted
6β Pothos Marble Queen
4.5β Violet Assorted
6β Sansevieria Fernwood
10β Monstera Esqueletos
6β Fruit Pineapple
6β Palm Ponytail Guatemalensis